Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sequence Photos :) which is better?



Project 3 Top Four

Wide DOF
f 2.8
Spiky Flower
f .28

f 5.7


f 5.0
My ferrets lol :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top 4 updated :)

I took the comments and made adjustments :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Worm's Eye View

Exposure Mode: Auto/P

Shutter Speed: 1/100

Aperture: f 3.5

This is the little area with the benches by JFAC. I liked how some of the bricks came out a bit from the fence wall. I used levels to up the contrast.


Rule of Thirds

Exposure Mode: Auto/p

Shutter Speed: 1/100

Aperture: f 5.0

Some flowers on campus. The color of these flowers caught my eye. I used levels to adjust it just a little bit and fixed some brown spots on the leaves and flowers with the patch tool.


Implied Line

Exposure mode: Auto/P

Shutter Speed: 1/200

Aperture: f 5.0

I was just taking some pictures of the squirrels on campus and this one ran by the camera. I thought it showed a good implied line from where the squirrel was running. I used levels to adjust the contrast in the picture and the clone stamp to cover some random leaves in the grass.

Flowers & Leaves

Close Up

Exposure mode: Auto/P

Shutter speed: 1/320

Aperture: f 6.6

I was walking around campus looking at all the flowers and I really liked these ones. of the whole plant. I wanted to show how the sun was hitting the leaves, making the stems visible through the leaves. I thought the whole plant make a nice close up shot. I used levels to adjust the contrast of the picture and cropped it a bit.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Artistic Heroes

5. Georgia O'Keeffe
I love flowers and plants which is one reason i like her paintints. I also love the colors and variety of flowers she paints.
Georgia O'Keeffe
Poppy, 1927

4. Vincent Van Gogh
I love his painting style and the colors he uses in his paintings. Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings.
Vincent Van Gogh
Starry Night, 1889

3. Claude Monet
I really enjoy Monet's art, I am really drawn to his use of color, his technique as well as his subject matters.
Claude Monet
Water Lillies, 1916

2. Edgar Degas
I love the flow and movement of Degas' paintings. I've always appreciated his style and technique and been drawn to it.
Edgar Degas
The Blue Dancers, 1898

1. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
My favorite artist of all time. I love the movement of his paintings. I have always been drawn to the way he captures his subjects and the movement of them.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Moulin Rouge: La Goulue, 1891

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Life

My name - Valerie Ruth Shook

Childhood ambition - Working with animals

Fondest Memory - Being with my grandma.

Proudest moment - High school graduation.

Biggest challenge - Dealing with stress

Alarm clock - Cell phone :)

Perfect Day - Out camping with my boyfriend relaxing.

Indulgence - Sleep.

Favorite movie - I don't watch to many movies but I like comedies. :)

Soundtrack - Any happy music. :)

Inspirations - My family, boyfriend, pets, and nature.

My life is - Fantastic

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Yo! Welcome to my art blog thing