Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Surreal Theme

For my surreal photomontage I would like to do a self portrait. I really liked the art and portraits of Oleg, the artist i did for my surreal artist. In order to meet the number of images i need in this project Im going to do the self portrait in a mirror, using one image of the back of my head and another of my face in a mirror. That's what i know of that for the next part with the other pictures were I have two idea and Im not sure which I prefer yet.

1) The mirror will be partially cracked, each little section of the cracked mirror will have another image of something nice and warm and outside partially see through so that my image is still visible through it. The other side of the mirror will be fine, no cracks or anything. This will represent me in that the half that is intact will be reality, this is me now and what i look like. The cracked half is broken and shows where I want to be and I what I want but cant necessarily get or have so a 'broken' thought I guess.

2) The same idea but this one the image of me and the mirror will have a hand up, one finger out touching. The part were the fingers are touching in the mirror will be rippled like water, distorting the reflection. I will use pictures of water and stuff to make the mirror look watery and reflective.

Where I'd Rather Be

Where would I rather be? simple: on this beach :D

It seems simple but the picture i used of me (bottom right corner incase you couldnt see) was taken during the day. So i used drop shadows and levels to make the image seem like it was taken at night.

Partner Project

Vicky and I sneaking up on Bob.

-Vicky and the bench are the background image and Bob and I are photoshopped in.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Surrealistic Artists Part 3

The subject matters for both artists are pretty similar; they both take ordinary objects and make them unusual somehow. For Oleg its portraits with an unusual element in it with Dali it is random objects contorted somehow. Their techniques are difference, Dali is a painter and Oleg does digital work.

Surrealistic Artists Part 2

Salvador Dali Still Life Fast Moving

Description of the Facts:
A table with a tablecloth covering half of it, designs on the other half. Above the table floating in air are leaves, olives, fruit, flowers, knife, bottle, bowl, bird, and other objects you see on a dining table.

Analysis of the Design:
Deep space into the water, lines (both implied and actual), and good value ranges throughout the painting.

Interpretation: The Meaning:
A not-so-still-life of a table while people are eating. You can just feel the action of people reaching trying to get their food so they can eat.

I like this painting, still life paintings can be a bit on the boring side so this is mixing the traditional still life but making it more exciting and dynamic.

Oleg Duryagin Unknown Portrait

Description of the Facts:
A close up portrait of a girl, no eyebrows, soft brown eyes and pale skin, bright red cheeks, instead of a mouth there is a piece ripped out like a piece of paper with “help” written on it.

Analysis of the Design:
Contrast between the paleness of her skin and dark hair and background, color with her eyes and cheeks, and texture from the ripped paper.

Interpretation: The Meaning:
Oleg’s works deal with identity and I get that feeling from this portrait a lot. She looks like she is struggling with something but doesn’t want to ask for help.

This is one of my favorite portraits by Oleg. The softness of the skin and background with the harsh texture of the paper rip are nice juxtaposed beside each other and balance it out. Most of his other portraits I feel are too soft and are missing the texture.

Surrealistic Artists Part 1

Oleg Duryagin, age 26, is a Russian photographer from Moscow. Most of his work is surreal portraits. His work combines normal portrait pictures, mostly female, and adds something strange to them. The finished portraits have this very dreamlike look to them; the skin looks smoothed out and transparent. I feel that most of his photos are of people trying to gain an identity. He’s quoted as saying “Visually I am inspired by culture of fashion and surrealists. I often shock people. I try to… combine reality with artificiality.”

Salvador Dali is a Spanish surreal painter born in 1904 and died in January of 1989. Dali is credited with started the surreal movement and was very popular during his lifetime and understood how to get the attention of the media and paved the way for artists like Andy Warhol who even said he influenced Pop Art. he was most famous for his surreal art he also did Dada art and Cubism. While the paintings he did are surreal there is a degree of photographic like quality to them.